Quail Tales is an absurd and magical comedy extravaganza for the digital age! We feature original sketches and plays, including a mix of scripted and improvised humor and joy. Our sassy, goofy team is led by creator Christine Stoddard, a Salvadoran-American artist named one of Brooklyn Magazine's Top 50 Most Fascinating People. We center women and non-binary performers of color, as well as those who identify as LGBTQ and neurodivergent. Our shows have appeared at The Players Theatre, the Broadway Comedy Club, the Greenwich Village Comedy Club, The People's Improv Theater, and elsewhere.
One popular and recurring character in Quail Tales is Art Bitch, played by creator Christine Stoddard. Art Bitch also appears on YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, and Manhattan Neighborhood Network. Quail Tales is produced by Quail Bell Press & Productions, a multi-faceted arts, entertainment & media company. We create plays, books, films, Quail Bell Magazine, and more. At this time, we are seeking additional venues and opportunities to perform. Contact us for inquiries. |